Pre-Onboarding Questionnaire Information Needed for Management AgreementLegal name the property is titled under* Actual address of property* Primary Mailing Address* All email addresses needed to sign management agreement.*Information needed for onboardingAre you switching management companies?* Yes No What is the termination date?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Management company name* Are there any pre-existing rentals that the current management company has advised need to be honored?* Yes No Please provide arrival and departure dates for all reservations.**Pre-existing rentals will need to be discussed with I Love Whitefish before the management agreement is signed.Is the property a new purchase?* Yes No What is the closing date?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Are there any pre-existing rentals that the previous owner has advised need to be honored?* Yes No Please provide arrival and departure dates for all reservations.**Pre-existing rentals will need to be discussed with I Love Whitefish before the management agreement is signed.Is the property ready to rent?* Yes No What projects need to be done before the home can be rented? Anything you need our help with?*What is your goal date to have the property renting in our system?* When can I Love Whitefish gain access to the property?* KEYS: When can keys or access codes be provided to I Love Whitefish?* How did you hear about us? If you heard about us from a Realtor, please provide the Realtor's name*